Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Confess… I Love Me Some Prairie Bitch

Alison Argrim, aka Nellie Olsen herself, recently release Confessions of a Prairie Bitch. It covers not only her time on Little House on the Prairie, but the rest of her life as well. If you’ve ever been a fan of Little House I really recommend it. She provides a lot of insight as to what it was really like on the set. Also, she confirmed my suspicions that the actress who played Mary Ingalls, Melissa Sue Anderson, really is a terrible person. The book is really hilarious and a fast read. There are some unpleasant memories shared, but she does it in a way that keeps it from getting too heavy. Anyway, the cover pretty much sums up the feeling of the book. It’s good. Go buy it. Here are some classic Nellie pics.

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